Nolin Hills Energy

Oregon, United States


In Development



Proposed Capacity



In Development


Proposed Capacity




Our proposed 600 MW Nolin Hills Energy project is currently under development in Umatilla County, Oregon. The project is sited on approximately 48,000 acres located west of Pendleton, Oregon and under long-term lease with local landowners. The project features a wind profile differentiated from the typical Columbia River Gorge resource. In September 2017, Capital Power filed a Notice of Intent with Oregon’s Energy Facility Siting Council (EFSC) to apply for a Site Certificate for an up to 350 MW wind project. This application to EFSC was subsequently amended in November 2020 to add up to 300 MW of solar and storage capacity at the site. Interconnection for the project is being sought through Umatilla Electric Cooperative and Bonneville Power Administration. EFSC unanimously approved the project’s Final Order in July 2023 and a Site Certificate was provided in 2024.

Project Details

Land: 100% land control of approx. 48,000 acre site under long-term lease.

Turbine: To be determined.

Permitting: The Oregon Energy Facility Siting Council (EFSC) approved the project’s Final Order in July 2023 and a Site Certificate was provided in 2024. The project will also require local approvals from Umatilla County.

Wind Resource: Long-term site-specific data collected by five met towers plus Triton SODAR unit (installed beginning 2010).

Solar panels: To be determined.

Interconnection: System Impact Study complete, Facilities Study underway. Interconnection is proposed at 230kV to either Umatilla Electric Cooperative or Bonneville Power Administration with ultimate delivery to BPA’s McNary Substation.

Consultation and Engagement

We value and consider local community interests and priorities. We engage government, employees, local communities, investors, shareholders, and Native American Tribes. Our goal for every project, every facility and every initiative, internal and external, is to build, operate, and align with the interests and priorities of those closest to, and most impacted by, our operations.

Site Contact

Alexander Jones
Phone: 857-208-2333
Email: [email protected]