Message from Brian Vaasjo, CEO and President
Electricity is essential to keep our communities and critical services operating. The COVID 19 situation has highlighted this more than ever. As an owner and operator of generating facilities that are part of an essential electricity supply chain in markets across North America, we take our role as a power generator seriously and are committed to doing our part during these extraordinary times.
We have implemented a number of measures to ensure the continued delivery of reliable power while ensuring the safety and health of our employees and communities. These measures include:
- Closely monitoring, preparing and responding to the COVID-19 situation as it impacts our operational communities and employees
- Implementing preventative measures regarding employee illness and reporting, sanitation, travel, ‘work from home’ and social distancing protocols
- Following all federal, provincial/state and municipal guidance for emergency preparedness and response to the COVID-19 situation
Now more than ever, we need to stay informed from official sources, including Health Canada and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, act responsibly by practicing social distancing, and support our essential workers and communities. We will get through this by supporting one another. Stay safe.
Brian Vaasjo